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Fate of Cruise-in & Lawn Party

The Keezletown Ruritan Club (club) met on February 28, 2022, for a special discussion concerning the annual cruise-in and lawn party. Traditionally, the cruise-in has been held on Friday evening, with the lawn party taking place the following Saturday. After much deliberation, the club must regretfully announce that the 2022 lawn party has been canceled. The cancellation comes as the club faces a steep decline in membership, which has impacted Ruritan as a whole.

The annual cruise-in will still be held on Saturday, June 25, 2022. More details will be forthcoming. Those interested are encouraged to monitor the club’s website and Facebook for updates on this and all other events.

If you are interested in joining the Keezletown Ruritan Club, please visit There is a place for everyone to make a difference!

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